Legislature(1995 - 1996)

02/14/1995 03:06 PM House HES

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
 HHES - 02/14/95                                                               
 Number 475                                                                    
 ROD MOURANT, Administrative Assistant to Representative Pete Kott,            
 apologized on behalf of Representative Kott for his absence and               
 thanked the committee for hearing HJR 18.  Mr. Mourant said that              
 all but two of the current members of the HESS Committee saw and              
 voted on this exact legislation last session.  The resolution                 
 passed unanimously from the House, but subsequently died in the               
 Senate Rules Committee at adjournment.                                        
 MR. MOURANT then read the sponsor statement:                                  
 As medical costs nationally and in Alaska continue to rise,                  
 the need for innovative approaches to health care cost                        
 containment becomes more acute.  The concept behind Medical                   
 Savings Accounts is to encourage employees to shop more                       
 carefully for medical services.  It recommends the purchase of                
 high deductible coverage by employers.  The savings realized                  
 by this effort results in reduced health insurance premiums.                  
 These savings are then placed by the employers in individual                  
 employee Medical Savings Accounts.                                            
 Employee Medical Savings Accounts then may be used by                        
 employees to purchase additional, more specific insurance                     
 coverage and to pay deductibles incurred under employer                       
 provided or employee purchased medical coverage plans.                        
 Medical Savings Accounts belong to the individual employee and               
 move with the individual to purchase health insurance when                    
 between jobs or for coverage when re-employed, even when with                 
 a different employer.                                                         
 The additional benefit to Medical Savings Accounts is that                   
 they allow the individual to select and purchase coverage at                  
 reduced cost without a new federal bureaucracy and would be                   
 revenue neutral to employers.  It is compatible with the free                 
 market in that it protects individual freedom and rewards                     
 prudent decision making.                                                      
 HJR 18 urges Congress to enact legislation that will make                    
 Medical Savings Accounts a viable option in the national                      
 effort to reduce and contain health care costs.                               
 Number 620                                                                    
 CO-CHAIR BUNDE asked if there was any current legislation on the              
 national level which would change the need for this resolution.               
 MR. MOURANT said that at this time he is not aware of any                     
 nationally introduced legislation.  However, this certainly is a              
 concept that has been discussed at the national level.  In the                
 resolution packets HESS Committee members could find a series of              
 articles that describe medical savings accounts and their use.                
 MR. MOURANT also pointed out that one recent article, from the Wall           
 Street Journal, says that support for medical savings accounts is             
 growing. Six states, Arizona, Colorado, Mississippi, Idaho,                   
 Missouri and Michigan, have changed their tax structure to                    
 accommodate medical savings accounts.  The United Mine Workers                
 Union has signed a new five year contract with a health plan that             
 includes a $1,000 bonus that workers can use to pay their medical             
 plan's $1,000 deductible.  Mine workers still have first dollar               
 coverage but the first $1,000 they now spend will be their own                
 money, rather than the company's.                                             
 MR. MOURANT concluded that Representative Kott believes that kind             
 of incentive on the part of those covered is a good incentive to              
 reducing the overall costs of health insurance in this country.               
 Number 693                                                                    
 CO-CHAIR TOOHEY asked how Representative Kott will handle the                 
 welfare and MedicAid recipients of Alaska.                                    
 MR. MOURANT answered that this legislation does not address that              
 issue.  It only addresses those who are employed and currently                
 Number 714                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE AL VEZEY felt that the resolution was excellent.               
 Health care costs are a national problem, driven by the Internal              
 Revenue Service's regulations.  However, there have been a number             
 of companies who provide health care insurance for their employees            
 who have experimented with this.  Those companies have experienced            
 substantial reductions in medical costs as a result of allowing               
 their employees to accrue a medical savings account which is income           
 they can take if they don't use it.                                           
 MR. MOURANT said that Representative Vezey makes a very valid                 
 point.  The resolution seeks not only reduced expense in medical              
 coverage and medical services, but, in addition, the money remains            
 with the individual.  If, at the time of retirement, the individual           
 still has a positive balance in their account, they are able to               
 take that to buy an annuity if they desire, or to help out in their           
 retirement years.                                                             
 CO-CHAIR BUNDE said that a great deal of research shows that people           
 with sick leave on a use-it or lose-it program are ill much more              
 Number 791                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROBINSON asked Mr. Mourant to explain the process to           
 her.  She wondered how this would work for an interested individual           
 and what exactly the steps would be.                                          
 MR. MOURANT answered that a typical state employee pays about $465            
 dollars for health insurance on a monthly basis.  The medical                 
 savings account would allow the employer, the state of Alaska, to             
 purchase a major emergency medical coverage plan at a much reduced            
 premium than the detailed coverage plan that exists today.                    
 Employees would still be covered for catastrophic injury and                  
 emergency care, but because of the reduced premium the state may              
 save between $200 and $300 per employee per year.  That money is              
 placed into an individual account for the employee to use to shop             
 for additional coverage if he or she chooses to have it.  This is             
 much like the option that exists right now for selecting dependent            
 medical coverage.                                                             
 MR. MOURANT continued that the balance can be used to pay any                 
 deductible that might be present in the coverage that the employer            
 buys for the employees.                                                       
 Number 870                                                                    
 MR. MOURANT said that if, through prudent use in health care                  
 coverage selection, the employee still has a savings account                  
 balance upon retirement, he or she can convert that into an annuity           
 or other such account.                                                        
 Number 883                                                                    
 CO-CHAIR TOOHEY commended the bill.  She said that most of us spend           
 about $100 to $200 on medical coverage every year.  Catastrophic              
 coverage will take over if a person gets appendicitis or is hit by            
 a car or some such tragedy.                                                   
 Number 914                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE BRICE asked Mr. Mourant if the accounts would be tax           
 MR. MOURANT answered that he was not sure what Representative Brice           
 was asking.  He said they would be tax deductible for the employer            
 because the account would be a payroll expense.  For the employee,            
 it would depend on how the code is structured.  Mr. Mourant feels             
 that the accounts are much like the employer match on the                     
 Supplemental Benefits System (SBS).  When an employee starts to               
 receive that employer match, Mr. Mourant assumes that would be                
 taxable income.                                                               
 Number 954                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG'S understanding was that the accounts are,            
 in essence, tax neutral.  The benefit in the end is the savings               
 which is tax free money the employee can have.  It would depend who           
 would make the contribution of the up-front capital.  That would be           
 a taxable event.                                                              
 REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY commented that the plans he has seen would               
 involve a change in Internal Revenue Service codes.  The bank                 
 account is, as Representative Rokeberg said, tax deductible.                  
 Should the employee use it for medical services it is not tax                 
 liability.  If the money is taken for personal income it would be             
 Number 995                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY moved that HJR 18 be passed from the committee           
 with individual recommendations.  There were no objections.                   
 CO-CHAIR BUNDE announced that HJR 18 had been moved from the HESS             
 Committee to the next committee of referral.                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects